Introduction to Microneedles​

In May 1971, Alza Corporation filed the first patent for a transdermal device that would be the forerunner of what we know today as microneedling.

Global economic inequality

 Although progress has been made in the world to eradicate poverty, economic inequality continues to exist.

Dementia: current events and projections

We tell you what dementia is, and how it has become one of the main causes of disability and dependence among the elderly. We also review current pharmacological treatments.

Anti-abuse formulations

There are formulations created to reduce the possibility of drug abuse and misuse, making it difficult to administer it in conditions other than those approved.

Argentine Nobel Laureates

The Nobel Prizes today represent the most prestigious recognition to which a science professional can aspire. But many criticize this award for different reasons.

Where Drugs substances finally goes?

Millions of people who take medication to cure or alleviate an illness never consider where the pharmacological substances contained in a drug ultimately end up.

Myths and truths about transdermal patches

With the large amount of information found on the internet, it is often difficult for us to differentiate truth from myth or lie. That is why in this article we collect some claims of transdermal patches and if they are true or false.