The growing prevalence of Alzheimer’s-type dementia, with over 35 million current cases and a projection to exceed 135 million by 2050, underscores the urgency of understanding and addressing challenges associated with neurodegenerative diseases.
Microbiome vs microbiota
The microbiota is the set of microorganisms found in certain areas of the body, while the microbiome is the set of microorganisms that inhabit living beings along with the chemicals they produce.
Microbiome, what is it, and what is it for?
The microbiome is the community of microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, viruses, etc.) located in a defined space in multicellular living beings. In humans, it is especially found in the mouth, intestines, skin, and eyes. These groups are dynamic, and various environmental factors change their relative composition. In recent years, the gastrointestinal microbiome has received increasing interest, attributing a strong connection to various biological responses such as the regulation of intestinal homeostasis, immune defense, and different neuronal processes.
The intestinal microbiome forms a complex association with the central nervous system, synchronizing the intestines with the brain and modifying behavior and cerebral homeostasis through bidirectional communication. In this communication, various systems contribute, with the main agents being the Vagus nerve along with the enteric or intestinal nerve, and numerous metabolites produced by the microbiome (tryptophan, serotonin, short-chain fatty acids, etc.).
Future perspectives: new approaches in prevention
With the growing understanding of the gut-brain axis and neurodegenerative diseases, new therapeutic perspectives emerge. The composition and diversity of the intestinal microbiota can influence systemic inflammation, immune response, and the production of metabolites that affect brain health. Recent research suggests that imbalances in the microbiota could be related to the risk of neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s.
Strategies focused on maintaining a healthy microbiota could be key in the prevention and management of these diseases. Modulating the microbiota through probiotics, prebiotics, and dietary changes emerges as a promising approach.
With a projection of over 135 million cases of Alzheimer’s expected by 2050, developing innovative strategies is imperative. Emerging research suggests that personalized approaches based on genetics and microbiotic profiles could revolutionize the prevention and treatment of neurodegenerative diseases.
Conclusion: towards an integrated future in brain health
In the ongoing advance of research on the gut-brain axis and neurodegenerative diseases, an exciting panorama of therapeutic possibilities is revealed. A profound understanding of this interrelation offers not only a clearer understanding of the underlying mechanisms of these diseases but also the promise of more effective preventive and management strategies. Understanding this connection provides new strategies in the prevention and management of neurodegenerative diseases. Nurturing a healthy microbiota through dietary and lifestyle adjustments can be a powerful tool to safeguard long-term brain health.
In summary, we are on the threshold of an integrated future in brain health, where deep understanding, proactive action, and data-driven innovation promise to transform how we address the complexities of Alzheimer’s on a global scale.
chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/ Revista Médica del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social ISSN: 0443-5117 Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social México
Nutrición y deterioro cognitivo – Virgilio Hernando-Requejo, Madrid 2016
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